Wake Up Canada News – Interview with Ken Drysdale On Upcoming Peaceful Event at The Winnipeg RCMP Detachment Saturday Sept 3rd, 2022 at 1pm. Where Ken and many others will be providing the RCMP with an 89 page forensic report that leads to a Criminal Investigation Into Covid 19. You want answers and now’s the time to stand up and get them! www.thetruefactsc19.com
Guess what you’re doing on September 3rd!
Do not miss this event at the Winnipeg RCMP DETACHMENT on September 3rd. BE THERE! Check out Ken’s THETRUEFACTSC19.COM web site for when and where and all the details.
Ken Drysdale is unstoppable. Ken is a man of integrity, brains and action, just what Canada needs. Please give him your full support. Thank you!
Will Sing O Canada!
At the event, Rosalie Drysdale will sing O Canada! as you have never heard our national anthem sung before. You will be spellbound. You will not believe your ears!
No one since Confederation could have imagined that Canada’s national anthem could be sung so magnificently. Rosalie makes it brand new. Your trip to join KEN at the RCMP detachment to demand a criminal investigation into the “pandemic” measures is worth it just to hear Rosalie.