QUICK UPDATE: The white rubbery “clots” in arteries and veins of deceased vaxxed people are apparently not “fibrin”, they are “Self Assembling Circuits”. “The most definitive finding is that these white thick castings taken from the arteries and veins of the injected dead are not blood clots and they are highly metallic, electrical conducting circuits.
Mike Adams” in the video in the video and article linked below has done the forensic testing to establish precisely what these white rubbery things are:
Dr. Robert Young outlines what he has been seeing from jabbed autopsies – and what is happening to jabbed pilots pic.twitter.com/EwXTtbuBco
— Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson (@LauraLynnTT) July 29, 2022
TINP. This excerpt of Dr. Young isn’t clear. He says fibrin is from “silk worms”. However, the WordWeb dictionary says: “fibrin” is “a white insoluble fibrous protein formed by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen when blood clots; it forms a network that traps red cells and platelets.”
This is confirmed by other references online to “fibrin”. What is fibrin, and what does it do in the body?

Fibrin rushes to the site of an injury to help heal it. https://bit.ly/3ONYddE If it’s clogging veins & arteries, a bet would be that the circulatory system has been seriously injured by the mRNA shot. Best news of all: natural enzymes dissolve fibrin after healing.
Fibrin rushes to the site of an injury to help heal it. https://bit.ly/3ONYddE If it’s clogging veins and arteries, TINP would guess that the circulatory system has been seriously injured by the mRNA shot.
But, natural enzymes produced by the body dissolve fibrin after its job of healing has been finished.
So, There is hope!
Enzymes found in the body, and available in the form of supplements, may help to end these post-vaxx clots that are killing people. Here’s a video by another doctor explaining what enzymes are:
What Are Proteolytic Enzymes and What Do They Do?
Physicians may also be able to develop an intravenous method for administering the necessary enzymes for more rapid clearing action. A test would then be needed to detect the clots.
So, if these big whitish ropes of clots are basically made of fibrin, that means that enzymes found in the body, and elsewhere, taken as supplements, can dissolve “excess fibrin”. We should therefore be looking at supplements to dissolve these never-before-seen clots found in people who died after taking the “Covid-19” injections.
Here’s another reference, a very good one: “Enzymes For Fibrin Control”. Lots of enzymes break down fibrin: https://taoofherbs.com/articles/88/NeprinolEnzyme.htm Check out “Serrapeptase and Nattokinase“. Then see “Neprinol“, you can actually buy the stuff to treat excess systemic fibrin.
So, that’s a start for people who took the mRNA shots to try to help them break down the excess fibrin that is cutting off the blood supply in veins and arteries.
Obviously, someone with medical expertise should immediately launch research with vaxxed & non-vaxxed volunteers to work out a good regimen to eliminate the excess fibrin.
In addition, since fibrin rushes to an injury to help heal it, the blood vessels that are apparently injured will also need to be treated somehow.
Again, Dr. Young in this clip says the clots are “synthetic” and made from “fibrin” which he claims is from silk worms. That seems to be wrong. “Silk Fibroin” with an “o” in it, is what silk worms produce, not “fibrin”. Science Direct says: “Silk fibroin is a natural protein with excellent mechanical properties and widely investigated as a bone tissue engineering biomaterial.”
However, “fibrin” (not “fibroin”) is “involved in blood clotting“. Dr. Young should clarify. Excess fibrin can be treated with enzymes.

Google says: “What enzyme breaks down fibrin?”
Google answers by naming foods that contain enzymes:
fermented foods like kimchi, kefir and sauerkraut.
Do your research and use your judgment to help counteract the shots you have taken. Ginger root, for one, in particular Hawaiian ginger root, can be shredded, brought to a boil then simmered for a couple of hours to make the base for a nice “tisane” with other ingredients added, or have it plain. You may prefer to have your ginger tisane with a sugar substitute to sweeten it. Ginger root tisane is known to be a blood thinner, taking 1 mug three or 4 times a week, usually not more.
Find yourself a physician with two brains to rub together, not the one who shot you up with mRNA & graphene oxide, and work out a preventive health regimen and if necessary, a treatment regimen.
Radiation Poisoning Caused by Graphene Oxide
As a separate issue, Dr. Young points out that the graphene oxide in the mRNA shots amplifies radiation in the environment, attracting it to the body of the person injected with the graphene oxide. Graphene oxide is the main ingredient of the mRNA shots and has no known medical benefit, being moreover a well-known dangerous toxin.
Amplified radiation, in the flight cabin, the pilot’s cabin of an aircraft, then affects the person injected with it, but can also make anyone sick who is close to that individual.
Dr. Ricardo Delgado has a team that has been investigating the contents of the injection vials used to administer the “Covid-19” mRNA shots. Delgado and his colleagues seem to be the first researchers to document the graphene oxide in the mRNA shots. He offers a 10-minute summary of 20,000 hours of research work by his team. Delgado’s team has found graphene oxide and “complex microtechnology” developing in the injection fluid after it warms up as when it has entered your body.
Orwell.city has been translating his videos into English, they’re available here, and at Rumble: https://www.orwell.city/2022/03/strange.html
UPDATE: Linden Tea! Anecdotal evidence suggests that LINDEN TEA helps with weak immunity and poor circulation. Years ago, I read a lot of natural health magazines, and LINDEN tea was said to make the inside surface of blood vessels “slippery”, discouraging plaque and clots from sticking.

The clots we are seeing with post-vaxx deceased people are obviously very unusual, and TINP is not suggesting that LINDEN is a cure. However, it probably can’t hurt, either, and has many other beneficial effects that may help in the current “pandemic” “climate”.
The benefits and “side effects” of LINDEN TEA are described here:
To summarize, LINDEN TEA can help with anxiety and depression, inflamatory conditions, poor digestion, poor sleep, high blood pressure, a weak immune system, and it has diuretic effects. The list goes on.
“Those struggling with anxiety, fever, cholesterol, intense menstrual cramps, weak immune system, joint pain, and oxidative stress should drink linden tea.”
Those who have taken the mRNA shots may certainly be dealing with a high level of “oxidative stress” compounded by any other stress.
So, consider adding LINDEN TEA to any regimen you work out for yourself, with the advice of whoever you choose for your medical counsel.
There are lots of brands of LINDEN TEA on the internet, you can easily find the product and recipes for how to prepare it.
I used to buy mine in the form of easy-to-use teabags, but it’s probably also available in “loose” form as buds, leaves and flowers of the LINDEN tree.