Here’s what REALLY happened with the Covid Vaxxine | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris - Redacted
Happening Now: Private Detectives Brag they can Locate you REAL-TIME with your Digital ID, Facial Recognition, and the Smartphone in your Pocket (16 July 2024) Uncategorized
Russell Brand’s take on the attempt by the WHO to take control of “medical emergencies” Uncategorized
Ontario Doctor Speaks up About COVID Deaths — How Many Are Smoke and Mirrors? (15 December 2022) Uncategorized
Nature: “Discriminatory Attitudes Against the Unvaccinated During a Global Pandemic” (8 December 2022) Uncategorized
Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs Uncategorized