The “Vaxx” Continues to Kill Young People & Young Working People in Escalating Record Numbers: Dr. Peter Kory (August 2023) - Adverse events and deaths
BLACKLOCK’S BOMBSHELL SCOOP: Trudeau knew about vaccine deaths, was advised to keep quiet: Cabinet Memo - Intentional homicide
COVID-19 Scam John O’Looney Current Update on Genocide (June 2023) - John O'Looney (UK funeral director)
Think Wireless Devices are Safe? Think Again – Doctor testifies About the Dangers of 5G - Dr Goldberg (internal medicine)
Horowitz: Confidential Pfizer document shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system (14 June 2023) - Adverse events and deaths
Retired Copper Mark Sexton, UK, Knows How to Press Charges! Canada, WAKE UP. - International Criminal Court
“A Fake Pandemic” Dr ‘Reiner Fuellmich’ Dr. ‘Mike Yeadon’ ‘Joseph Molitorisz’ ‘Meredith Miller’ - Dr. Michael Yeadon
Explosive Short Statement by German Dr. Heiko Schoening (circa 4 June 2023) “Fake Pandemic” - Dr. Heiko Schöning
Gareth Icke & John O’Looney on “Bodies of Vaxxed Deceased” and John’s Narrow Escape From Hospital (March 2023) - John O'Looney (UK funeral director)