Yours truly lost many many web sites at Interserver, a host that took my money for several years, brags online about its anti-malware hosting system, and then told me there was no malware in my many heavily infected dead web sites on their servers. I had over 20 sites, I cut down to under 10 sites which I moved out to another host; abandoning some sites due to no time to fix them; and then I moved again to the current host.
Cleaning out the malware has been a challenge. I’ve done it manually over and over again, to no avail. I finally decided to rebuild the site from scratch in a clean installation of wordpress. That’s what you’re looking at now. I’ve had to disable new comments, very sorry about that. But it seems that malware infiltrates and clings through comments. I hope you will continue to find this collection of information useful.
Admin, There Is No Pandemic — and they are not “vaccines”.