This is a very important video. With gratitude to EuropeReloaded of The Liberty Beacon network for the excellent work in preparing the notes below from the video above. Pardon me for blatantly copy-&-pasting, this needs to be spread.
EuropeReloaded Editor: Although we’ve published a couple of interviews with Milton Keynes funeral director John O’Looney before, we’re posting this recent one, a very frank, unedited talk with Australian activist Max Igan. At 30 minutes, it’s well worth it. Here are some main points below.
People posting this on social media say they’ve heard a similar message from funeral directors they’ve spoken to. Local colleagues of O’Looney agree with him.
As an independent media outlet ourselves, we’re not surprised over the disclosure about RT – Russia Today. Almost since the start of the plandemic, they adopted the Establishment scare narrative. Who put them up to attempting to pay off John?
- In late November-December 2019, a Northampton hospital was restricting access to dead patients because they expected a pandemic coming. They had erected a temporary morgue.
- He was contacted by the BBC in early 2020. They briefed him, dressed him up in PPE and expected him to answer their questions as scripted, a version which bought into the hysterical narrative of a deadly virus.
- In early 2020, funeral directors were panicking but there was no increase in deaths. Bodies were routinely being labelled as Covid deaths. The label of ‘Covid death’ meant funeral directors could just pick up bodies quickly, sealing them up in body bags without dressing and viewings. Police were not in attendance for deaths, neither were doctors.
- March – April, 2020: there was a 3-week spike in numbers. As a society we’re good at getting people to pass away in hospital. Suddenly, the UK govt said they were going to protect the most vulnerable, in carehomes. How does a virus attack a SPECIFIC BUILDING? Aren’t viruses just present in the community generally? He got called almost every night for 3 weeks to go to carehomes, which never happens normally. Former health secretary, Matt Hancock had transferred the elderly, labelled as ‘Covid,’ into carehomes. At the same time, there was a 1,000% increase, with a corresponding paper trail documenting this, in the use of the end-of-life sedative, Midazolam, in these care settings. (ER: A parallel situation was happening in France with the drug Rivotril.) At these unusual carehome visits he made in spring 2020, he never saw a doctor in attendance, a ventilator, a Covid test, etc. There seemed to be no reason to dose them up on Midazolam. Were thousands of people euthanized with Midazolam during this time? (Someone at a hospital pharmacy confirmed to him the unusual heavy purchasing of Midazolam around this time.) Then this period came to an end, and a ‘pandemic guy’ called him up from the UK government, whose job it was to collate weekly numbers of the deceased. All his dead clients, no matter what the cause of death, were being listed as a Covid death. Had this been a 12-week ‘cull’? Viruses do not target carehomes. They’re just full of people who can’t say no.
- In November-December 2020, the year ended quietly, with vaccines being rolled out on January 6. The ‘pandemic guy’ admitted that there had been no Covid deaths, and that everybody he knew was saying the same thing. As soon as vaccination started, the ‘pandemic guy’ stopped calling. 2020 was quieter for death stats than 2019. 2020 was not a year of increases in death.
- Once the vaccination rollout started, deaths climbed dramatically. “I’ve never seen anything like it as a funeral director in 15 years.” That was the recognized 2nd wave and finished in the second week of April. “It was awful”. It was a mixture of all ages and all locations – most were hospital deaths. These WERE pandemic numbers but only after vaccination. Again, deaths were labelled Covid, but many could have been vaccine deaths, or Midazolam overdose, or death through neglect of an illness, e.g. cancer because they couldn’t get tested in the system. Then the quietest period he’s ever known followed. No-one was really passing away. Other funeral providers were saying the same thing. 3 weeks ago (end of August, early September), death rates started to pick up again, and almost all are vaccine recipients of all ages dying from sudden heart attacks, blood clots, stroke, and multiple organ failure. These are the four consistent types of death. (Hear his brief stories of those dying after vaccination.)
- The media don’t want to talk to him now despite the fact that many eminent doctors and professors are saying the same thing. The govt is just pressing ahead, blackmailing and coercing people, creating a type of two-tier Nazi society for a pandemic that isn’t there. In the NHS, it’s widely recognized that the ‘Delta variant’ is just VACCINE INJURY from vaccination. They‘ve just convinced everybody that they need a jab for a virus that’s making everybody sick. He routinely asks all families if their loved one has been vaccinated, and they have been. The families don’t see the connection. Two things are going to happen shortly: the new variants they’re consistently creating are making us familiar with the idea of there being one. What will happen with the children is they’ll get sick and die, which will get labelled as a new variant. And they’ll parade crisis actors on TV. This is a prediction. Check with your local funeral director about who is currently passing away.
- Since going public, around 45 funeral directors have reached out to him, expressing concern that the government is killing people. So will these people like John be silenced? This worries them. There basically is no pandemic. There have been ZERO Covid deaths among children since the beginning. So there is ZERO reason for injecting kids with these gene therapies. Coercing a child to get vaccinated when they can’t otherwise get married, drink, drive, and vote tells you this is a depopulation agenda. There could be 2 parts to this: killing people first, and then sterilizing people for later on in life. When will infertility become apparent? Not really before 10 years.
- NHS people are in the same circles as him. They know full well that the Delta variant is vaccine injury. Many medical specialists have confirmed this to him personally. The vaccine testing procedures for animals were apparently halted (he was told this by a doctor) because they were getting through 200 rhesus monkeys a week because they were all dying. And now we’re getting these injections in exchange for a taxi ride, a kebab, a reduction in a jail term. We’ve had 18 months of brainwashing where people are still scared to death. The truth about the vaccines isn’t getting out.
- They’ve built very large holding centres or prison to take in people, despite there being a lack of public money. What can these be for? They’re for people who won’t take the vaccine. People will disappear from these camps, listed as ‘Covid deaths’. One such one is at HMP Wellingborough (ER: check out the link for this brand new mega ‘prison’). Also Glen Parva prison built in 2020 near Leicester, with a crematorium and mortuary next door. Why do we need these mega facilities when the economy is on its knees? In 5 years, many vaccine recipients could die. I am seeing the start of this, with people in their 30s, 40s and 50s dying of heart attacks and strokes. Now they’re targeting children. When will people wake up? They’ll blame a new variant. And then they’ll mandate on the back of that. Similar facilities are being built in Australia and, in fact, everywhere.
- Advice from John: contact your politicians as much as possible. Sooner or later, we’ll be dragged off to these camps, with ‘outbreaks’ and more ‘vaccines’. It’s a predictable cycle. And the time to speak out is NOW, whether you’re in the NHS or the funeral industry. We owe it to people. The Hippocratic oath was revised in 2001 to omit the idea ‘we will do no harm’. Nurses are being instructed to dose up patients with Midazolam; PCR tests are being used at ridiculous CRT numbers (45). The key element is consent, yet people who are ill but not dying are being injected with Midazolam and given DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. What more do we need to know? Now it’s the children. The only people who will save us is US. Australia appears to be a test bed. And people need to act.
- Reach out personally to John at Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services (see image above). We need independent media people and others to share this information. E-mail:
- Max Igan’s comment: John was approached by RT and offered 45,000 pounds to keep quiet. Get in contact with John O’Looney to interview him and get this information out.
Justin Trudeau’s “Quarantine Camps”
Above is a zip folder documenting Justin Trudeau’s Letter of Interest (2020-09-16) requesting quotes to build “Federal Quarantine/Isolation Sites” for the Government of Canada.
Also, please note: the PCR is a fake “Covid” test.
Thank you so very much for sharing this with us. I am Canadian. But the very same things are happening in Canada too. They ate in lockstep together. I have been compiling data and info and interviews, where I have amassed thousands of hours of spoken word from guys like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Simone Gold. And 75-100 more. Lawyers, scientists, talk shows featuring brilliant Medycal minds. Ivermectin has been proven it’s near 100% effective if taken as a prevention, one pill a week and it’s extremely effective if given early on in a patients illness. Dr. Pierre Cory, American MD- pulimary specialist, came out in front of IS senate committee last December said games over stop suppressing Ivermectin. It’s been studied now 30 times by 30 entities. See it works too well & is to cheap and too effective. It threatens the needs for jabs at all. There have been very little deaths from it after 3-4 Billion people have taken it around the world. With every drug there are always risks but compared to the horrific “side effects” from these Covid jabs Ivermectin has a far less than 1% chance of killing you. But since Dec 20- until Sept 30/21-based on the VAERS American reporting system almost 800,000 ppl reported injured. That works out to be 80,000 a month or 2667 people a week or 324 people a day in America, dying from these so called vaccines. It’s very apparent, they have loaded their guns and they are starting to hunt us down. Trudeau is a full on narcissistic psychopath with sociopathic tendencies. He has said he wants to replace us older white folk he called useless eaters and relics. When asked what his favourite country was he said China. We are headed foe a full on communist state. We are inches away. The forces of evil in this world must be defeated. These people are cold blooded murderers. Listing 6 million Jews 80 years ago was the worst genocide imaginable. Concentration camps 1944–“Quarantine Camps” 2021
MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS 1944–Medical Experiments 2021
gas chambers 1944 —Death jabs 2021
Jews had to carry papers and were tattooed a serial number on their arm 1944– Vaccine, Welles’s, Green Pasports must be shown where ever you go 2021
Germans were “superior” 1944 — Tyranical democratic countries have stripped their people of their constitutional rights and liberties/freedoms 2021
Two tier society- Arian Race lived free from persecution by Hitler 1944–Vaccinated get all “privileges-which were once call freedoms” while unvaccinated are shunned ridiculed and hunted. 2021
Nazi’s had a saying in 1944-It’s for your own safety” — Today Governments say get the jab, it’s for “yours and societies safety” 2021
Or get your kids jabbed do they can see abd save grandma if grandma wasn’t already killed by the government jab.