― well some of us did
This is what Communism looks like: LIES, FRAUD, MANIPULATION, DECEPTION. It ends with FORCE. The Communist NDP wants the MILITARY called out to mass-inject Canadians with lethal mRNA poison.
Communists are liars. They believe their end justifies the means. Therefore, lying is perfectly fine, coercion, terrorism, to force people into submission, to do as they are told by these tyrants, is all good with our criminal NDP.
THERE IS NO PANDEMIC and the shots are killing and injuring people in numbers far exceeding all combined “vaccine” injuries and deaths for decades. And these shots are not even “vaccines”. And the phony “test” these commies and their patron saint in the Prime Minister’s Office are using to terrorize the public, is the PCR, which is not diagnostic, as its Nobel-winning inventor said, Kary Mullis: “It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick“.
Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR): the PCR “doesn’t tell you that you’re sick”
Boris Johnson said it on camera, while still pushing for the whole population of the United Kingdom to be injected with mRNA poison that is killing tens of thousands and injuring millions.
But the communist liars of the NDP and Theresa Tam, a well known liar and Canada’s number one health terrorist, all want you to be panic-stricken into believing there is a pandemic, and terrorized into taking the shot that will kill or injure you. It won’t stop an imaginary virus, but it will give you permanent heart inflammation, shortening your life if it doesn’t kill you outright, it will sterilize you, kill your unborn child, and poison your friends, family and neighbors as you shed the lethal junk everywhere you go.
The NDP would like you to have the POISON that is killing tens of thousands and injuring millions. We are one step closer to the situation in Austria, and in Australia, where those who refuse the poison are being hunted down and injected.
Below: from the NDP’s web site on 21 December 2021, typical communist lies and deception, because the NDP is communist, in case you didn’t know that. The NDP has always been a full member of the Socialist International whose two main planks are “industrial democracy” and “world government”.
Industrial democracy is one of many names for Yugoslav-style communism, better known as “worker’s control”. Communists are materialists. They believe that human beings are no different than cows, pigs and chickens. Which may explain why Communists are responsible for over One Hundred Millions Deaths world-wide.

And now, with poisonous lethal injections that do NOTHING for a virus of any kind, the Communists are poised to exterminate BILLIONS of people to reduce their imaginary “carbon footprint”. And blame these mass deaths on a “deadly virus” when it’s all coming from the deadly injections.
Jagmeet Singh, on 21 December 2021, calls on Trudeau to call out the troops: