TINP: Of all the pandemic court cases out there that I am aware of, including the “mock” Grand Jury of Reiner Fuellmich, the “Show us the Virus Court Case” of Ricardo Maarman is the only one asking the right question.
Maarman says “Show us the virus”. Of course! If there’s no virus, there’s no pandemic, period. You cannot adopt policies based on fantasies.
Even if the PCR is not diagnostic, and its use to declare “cases” and “infections” is fraudulent, if there’s no virus, who cares! Throw out the whole pandemic. Goodbye brain-swabs!
While Fuellmich whines about the German courts’ lack of independence, which disinclines him to sue because it wouldn’t turn out well, Maarman is in there tackling lack of independence head-on in a real-life law suit, not a mock trial. Let’s hope Maarman kicks their pants. I’m certainly rooting for him.
I enjoyed listening to Maarman’s update. All the best to you, Ricardo!
I have hesitated to say it till now because I didn’t want to be mean, and I didn’t want to seem mean, but I’m fed up. I have to let this out. It’s time.
I am very disappointed by the lack of appropriate legal response in Canada to the alleged pandemic. We have Charter lawyers defending victims of police brutality or discrimination on pretext of the alleged pandemic. We have nobody defending against the pandemic as an alleged fact. By that I mean that no law firm, no lawyer, has critiqued the allegation that there was or is in fact a pandemic.
Lawyers are supposed to deal with facts. But the basic fact of whether a virus was or is on the loose has never been proved by the WHO or their puppet governments.
The hope that seemed to be in the air when Reiner Fuellmich appeared suggested that at last a willing lawyer was going to take legal action that all could emulate. At the very least, we hoped he would visibly sue Christian Drosten for fraud related to the PCR, so the world’s public could be alerted, and perhaps begin to think for themselves.
Instead, Fuellmich has been heard on film loudly berating Germany’s judicial system as corrupt and incompetent. Well, if you are Joe Bloe, an ordinary guy, you could do that and get away with it. But if you are a licensed legal practitioner slamming the entire justice system of your country to an international audience, how can you expect to step into court to have a hearing? You have just said all the judges are corrupt, so why bother, and who could hear you?
As far I know, Fuellmich hasn’t even tried to launch a tough legal fight of any kind. He hasn’t launched a court battle. He hasn’t confronted judicial non-independence with the remedies at hand. He has just said no, he won’t go to court because the courts aren’t independent. Well, then, why did he pack his bags, his dogs and his family in the USA and go to Germany to launch his pandemic efforts? Didn’t he know beforehand that the German courts were not “independent”? I don’t know if they are, or they aren’t, I’m just asking what Fuellmich thinks he knows, and when did he know it. Because, if he knew he would not get anywhere in the German courts, why go there? He was already in the USA, he could have sued from America. Where they actually do have a real “Grand Jury”.
In Canada, if a lawyer disrespected the court in public, depending on the severity, the comment might rise to “contempt of court ex facie” (contempt for the court expressed outside the court). And you can be brought to court for that, and punished by the court.
So, I wasn’t happy to see a lawyer that I expected to file proceedings, who had moved to Germany from USA with his family and their dogs supposedly to do this, uttering insults against the German judiciary before he even had a judgment in hand to have something to complain about.
Another reason for my disappointment with Fuellmich in regard to Canada is that he managed to link up with some very left-wing subversive types whose activities here I was already aware of.
I tried to notify Fuellmich, sending information via his German web site and his Twitter account, but it seems that this American lawyer with German bar credentials, was unconcerned that one of his main contacts in Canada has a pro-communist history going back decades and is also linked to the federal government itself through one of his closest pals and clients, who had launched a political party in BC decades ago and recruited a communist to lead it.
Moreover, I already knew from independent research that the very same person in question has worked hand-in-glove with our corrupt federal government to help set up Canada for dismantling using the Quebec referendums to “secede”. The dismantling is not for Quebec “sovereignty”, it’s for world government and communism, Yugoslav-style. And I can prove it. Dismantling of Canada is required to eliminate the Crown, the Parliament, the Constitution, and the provincial Legislatures, so that all “powers” belonging to the people can be stolen (the euphemism is “decentralized”) and redistributed to the new global structures.
Fuellmich apparently did not take my tips to heart and made himself available to this pro-communist lawyer who still today tweets his sympathies for communists, and who has acted as co-counsel in the past with known communists, including one that was barred from entry to the USA.
Fuellmich’s other pick for his Canadian team is a lawyer who should have retired long ago, an old hippie type who has been commandeered by “aboriginals” in another country in the western hemisphere. His goal is not really to get to the bottom of the plandemic, but to use his plandemic law suit (which the courts by now may have dismissed; it certainly hasn’t made waves) as a vehicle for his “aboriginal” platform, and along the road, he is undermining and defaming Canada and our alleged history with our “aboriginals”.
So, Fuellmich made this guy one of his official Canadian team members. That’s another spit in the eye of Canada.
Now, in the Grand Jury that Fuellmich has cooked up, a mock trial with witnesses on video delivering “evidence”, Fuellmich has come up with yet another Canada hater, another left-winger and supporter of a “former” Marxist, of the late Lyndon Larouche (who passed away in 2019). Larouche, an “American personality”, set up his own operations in Canada decades ago to undermine the Constitution so he could change Confederation to a republic, to save us from our British monarch. One of Larouche’s movements made it all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, arguing for their right to use airports to distribute their pro-Republic literature.
Larouche’s old magazines that he ran included many an article on Quebec and Canada with many a false allegation passed off as “fact”, including the silly idea that the “courageous” René Lévesque and his “separatist” party, the Parti Québécois, were trying to liberate Quebec from the British monarch.
In fact, Lévesque was working hand-in-fist with the British monarch, and I can prove it, to dismantle Canada for world government. So, there is all this hatred for Canada expressed in all these false ideas directed at “the British monarchy”, and that often are quite wrong, and amount to yet more subversion of Canada.
So Fuellmich recruited (or was recruited by) one of Larouche’s left-wing worshippers, an “expert” and a self-described “patriot” (that remains to be seen) who pontificates on Canada for Fuellmich’s mock Grand Jury, grossly insulting the best known Canadian founding father, without proof, while knowing that he has a world audience for his vitriol against this country. A country concerning which he apparently has little or no constitutional or legal knowledge. Frankly, I think the guy is better viewed as “controlled opposition”.
Before he’s even 10 minutes into his “expertise”, this expert is telling you that Sir John A. Macdonald, the principal founding father of Canada was “a filthy, immoral scumbag”. Wait, you can see how left-wing this remark is when you see the whole thing. Fuellmich’s “Canadian Patriot” “expert” said: “Johnny McDonald was an Aryan complete race Patriot, wanting an Aryan Canada who said: a British I was born and British I will die. He was a filthy, immoral scumbag. And these are the people celebrated as our sacred cows that we’re supposed to honour in Canada.”
Would language like “filthy, immoral scumbag” be allowed in a self-respecting court as part of “expert” tesimony? How about if the fellow testifying is a “Senior Fellow of American University in Moscow”. That’s how red this guy is that Fuellmich hand-picked to give “evidence”…. about what? How horrible Canada is? Wait, we thought Fuellmich was going to get to the bottom of the PCR fraud. What’s going on here?
Translated, that means that Sir John A. Macdonald was a “filthy, immoral scumbag” for admiring his own people, preferring their company and his own “British” culture and institutions. Which governed Canada quite reasonably and credibly because it was these “white” people, these “Caucasians”, these “Aryans”, who in fact colonized the place for hundreds of years. It was not the Chinese, it was not the Jews, it was not the Blacks, it was not even the “aboriginals”.
Would the same “expert” consider that the Mohawks, an acknowledged “aboriginal” ethnic group, would be “filthy, immoral scumbags” for not wanting Jews, Blacks, Chinese, Asians, etc., moving into Kanesatake to live there, vote for Mohawk local government, to sit on local Mohawk band councils and tell the Mohawks what to do, despite their Mohawk heritage and culture? But, it’s okay to do that to “Aryan” people (the typical “Talmudist” slur against all Caucasians to denigrate the lot ever since WWII). White-colored people are not entitled to the basic human right of self-government extolled even by the red U.N., if only to use it to foment the disintegration of large white countries through “aboriginal” revolution.
Then there’s that particular ethnic group associated with calling everyone not of the group “cattle” and “livestock”, and the group is well known to dominate the City of London; but political correctness requires keeping your mouth shut if you are one of Reiner Fuellmich’s Grand Jury “experts”. And Reiner himself will express shock that anyone could have such an idea as calling other people “livestock”; but let’s not name who they are. Let’s give the history of England and the City of London a nose-job while professing that one is trying to save the world from them. Let’s call them merely “British”, or “elites”.
Fuellmich has even blithefully appeared in discussion-panel videos with some of Canada’s far-left enemies who are working on the break-up, treating these folks as valid legal experts intending to defend us from the scamdemic.
So, I’m not happy with Fuellmich and his choices in Canada for “experts” and lawyers to band together with him to stop the PCR and whatever else they alleged they were planning to do. Only to end up with a mock trial, and no action that I can see, no legal splash, no court challenge, no judgment, not even one in appeal.
As a patriotic Canadian opposed to US-style Revolution (which is just what the Communists want and they finance it in target countries), and with some constitutional knowledge (of law and history), I resent the American Mr. Fuellmich teaming up with haters of Canada’s founding father, with left-wing subversives and friends of communists while pandering to political correctness. And he calls these red, pink and mauve moles fellow lawyers and “experts”.
Another question re Fuellmich’s “experts”. How does he know they’re experts? Okay, one is former British Intelligence. But before you bring “experts” to court, don’t you independently vet their expert opinions for authority, for veracity? I wonder if Fuellmich has done that. Or has everyone who claims to be an expert simply been welcomed with open arms to air his or her personal grievances and ideologies in the form of “testimony”… to then, according to Fuellmich… have it all recycled by countries everywhere, using this information as “evidence” to launch their own “grand juries” and mock law suits or real law suits, or who knows what?
I would have expected Fuellmich to sue and bring his experts to a real court, where their testimony would be tested and made public, and the world would take serious notice of a real trial. I don’t think the world will take serious notice of a mock Grand Jury, at least, not for long.
I am also irritated by Fuellmich’s very typically American response to constitutional difficulties. The response appears to have been even more heavily conditioned into the American general public in the past decade or two, and that response is Revolution. It has come in by way of the 10th Amendment Center, and the Nullify Now movement, among others, which are in fact left-wing and subversive.
A replay of the big break of the American colonies with England in 1776 is what these left-wingers want today, 50 times over. And it’s not a hard sell, because, true or false, right or wrong, the Yankees pull out their fireworks every fourth of July to celebrate this unilateral declaration of independence, this quite literal coup d’état on their then-existing government and system. Well, perhaps you should call me a “Loyalist”. 1776 is precisely how much of Canada became populated. To the chagrin of the French Canadians, American Saxons who refused to break their own oaths as elected and appointed government, and their supporters, moved North in droves to what became Ontario and the Maritimes. In some ways, the Yankee revolutionists even drove them out, communist style, confiscating their property for their unacceptable political opinions, and they tarred and feathered some of them. So, Canada as it would be founded in 1867 was really born of the original pioneers of North America, both French and Saxon, and among the Saxons, a large contingent who respected their oath. We celebrate Canadian independence day four days before the still hot-headed Yankees let off their own fireworks.
And now, thanks to brainwashing by left-wing experts, Yankees wrongly believe their 1776 UDI is really their Constitution, to which they owe allegiance (and I can prove it: I know who wrote the book, and I know who financed the Harvard leftie who penetrated the Christian patriotic web sites pushing mass session for the USA). But the world is not the same place that it was in 1776. And their false allegiance to a UDI instead of to the Constitution is doubly misplaced.
So, it seems to me that the only thing the Americans know how to do in an effort to deal with their constitutional problems, is to break their toys and get new ones. Meaning to advocate destroying their own country, 1776-style, which is just what the globalists want and need them to do.
In this regard, meaning in regard to another 1776, I’ve seen Fuellmich pontificating on film, saying “We need a new system.” I’m sure he doesn’t mean that just the USA needs the “new system”. His “we” means everyone in the West, if not everyone on Earth. This is Mr. Fuellmich, who is not a constitutional lawyer but a class-action lawyer, engaging in typical American-style (and “colonialist”, if I may say) global overreach with an imposed solution of no benefit to anyone except the globalists.
So, I’m fed up with Fuellmich, although I appreciate the efforts of several of his expert witnesses, including Dolores Cahill, for example. Good people have come forward who contribute in every forum, and some of them are present in the mock Grand Jury and I intend to play all the other videos and listen to these great people.
But nothing real is being done, as far as I can see, about the ongoing scamdemic, except in South Africa. It’s a very lucky country to have someone with common sense and judgment standing up for them.
Canada, in my opinion, has no credible legal representation for the interests of this country against the scamdemic or the criminal puppets running Ottawa and our provinces.
If I do support the one law firm defending people under the Charter, that’s because people do need help, and there has to be someone to help them. But, without exception, nobody in this country with any legal track record has said, “Show us the virus”.
The basic alleged fact that underpins the whole scamdemic has not been challenged. How can that be, after two years of all this nonsense?
Every single lawyer and law firm, pro-communist and otherwise, has passively accepted the allegation of the World Health Organization that a virus has been loosed on the world. They have not sought proof. They have not challenged the narrative. And Fuellmich is one of them, who, on nothing but his mere belief, his mere religious faith, if you will, in spite of the unmistakable mountain of fraud in everything else about the pandemic besides the PCR, presumes there is a virus on the loose, that it was “probably” “leaked” from the lab in Wuhan, and that it’s mild and treatable. Yes, they’ve lied about everything, but not about the virus!
That is pure fantasy. It is not based on fact. It is a loose mind filling in the gaps in the story with an unproven hypothesis, to end by accepting the most undoubtedly fraudulent narrative.
Initially, the Wuhan lab-leak was a theory. I found it interesting when the Epoch Times delivered a well made documentary about the possibility. But time has passed, much more is known, and a theory is not a fact. It now amounts to a fantasy, and people are living in a fantasy world, failing to fight they way out of the paper nappy on their face, while also failing to challenge their persecutors to prove the existence of the virus.
And I would add, their persecutors would have to prove the virus has been and still is in circulation in some form, and has caused the wide bundle of symptoms called Covid-19, which are also symptoms of Influenza-A, Influenza-B, the common cold, and some forms of radiation poisoning. In fact, even pregnant women get some of the symptoms, breathing difficulty, in late-term pregnancy. At least one Canadian woman was intubated by a hospital, in other words placed on life support, and into a drug-induced coma for a C-section, and kept that way for a month because she had late-term breathing problems that zombies in lab coats labeled “Covid”. She came out with lung damage, had to learn to walk again on crutches, and was surprised to meet the child whose birth she had missed. If there had been no “Covid”, would this have happened?
Those who accept the virus narrative have concentrated on the idea that well, it’s not as bad a virus as originally alleged. Covid-19 is treatable, it’s a bad flu, it has a 98% recovery rate, it doesn’t affect children, there are remedies for it known for decades, we don’t need the injections.
Not a single one (except in South Africa) has stood up to say, there is no virus until you prove it; and we don’t know what particular people are getting sick with, and people get sick all the time, and they die in predictable numbers all the time, but there is no Covid-19 because you have not shown us the virus that supposedly causes it.
Even today, 20 February 2022, the boldness of the WHO is such that at their web site, in their article “Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern” published 26 November 2021, the WHO says of Omicron: “Current SARS-CoV-2 PCR diagnostics continue to detect this variant.” There is no such thing on Earth as “PCR diagnostics”, the guy who invented the PCR said so, Kary Mullus, and he ought to know. So, nobody is challenging this apparent lie; and Fuellmich, most of all, has failed to take it to court, I mean a real court.
No one that I know of, in Canada or in the USA, has bothered to sue the patent offices that illegally issued patents for the mRNA shots labeled “vaccines” when legally, medically and scientifically, they are not vaccines. If you hear of this happening at last, let me know, because it will be really important if it does. And it needs to be done by someone who is not a friend of the cabal, who could file suit for the purpose of losing.
So, Canada is a legal wasteland with no sign anywhere of a credible defense of the country against the scamdemic.
When I see someone like Ricardo Maarman, well spoken, professional, totally organized, with a great sense of humor, properly suing his own government on the right grounds in South Africa, and appropriately battling for judicial independence in his case, I have to wonder why we haven’t got a Ricardo in Canada.
Follow that guy. He’s clever. He’s got the right idea. He’s fighting the good fight, and I admire that.
Have a great day.
Yours sincerely,