Comment (1) on “S. Australia Disclose that they had No Medical Evidence to Support “Vaccine” Mandates”
Twenty-one years after September 11, 2001, the U. S. government is still covering up what happened. Likewise, I do not expect there to be any major enlightening revelations from the perpetrators of this plandemic by any government.
People’s lives are overly busy and hectic, and we are being bombarded with information, demands, and distractions. How many people even care about September 11 any more? Of those who DO care, and realize the significance and importance, how many have time to do anything about it? I think the same will be true of the “Covid” plandemic. Some will pursue legal action, but most will just be relieved “it’s over” and will jump back into the rat race and not look back, not realizing their silence and acquiescence during this time has helped the power-that-shouldn’t-be to cinch the rope tighter around all our necks.
I think it was an earlier post on this website that pleaded with people not to go back to sleep. It seems very few realize the significance and seriousness of what is going on. I fear it won’t take long until the snoring begins. I hope not, but…
Twenty-one years after September 11, 2001, the U. S. government is still covering up what happened. Likewise, I do not expect there to be any major enlightening revelations from the perpetrators of this plandemic by any government.
People’s lives are overly busy and hectic, and we are being bombarded with information, demands, and distractions. How many people even care about September 11 any more? Of those who DO care, and realize the significance and importance, how many have time to do anything about it? I think the same will be true of the “Covid” plandemic. Some will pursue legal action, but most will just be relieved “it’s over” and will jump back into the rat race and not look back, not realizing their silence and acquiescence during this time has helped the power-that-shouldn’t-be to cinch the rope tighter around all our necks.
I think it was an earlier post on this website that pleaded with people not to go back to sleep. It seems very few realize the significance and seriousness of what is going on. I fear it won’t take long until the snoring begins. I hope not, but…