“‘Bizarre’ fictional COVID-19 report, penned by Preston Manning, resurfaces on social media” by Michael Franklin, CTV News (January 23, 2023)
ABOVE: CTV’s Austin Le explains why Preston Manning’s fictional COVID-19 report from 2022 has resurfaced in Alberta, and why it’s controversial.
Manning’s “fictional” report is also available on the Wayback Machine.
TINP says: Why would you need a “fictional” (imaginary) Report on an event that caused widespread death and injury by government decree with no proof of any pandemic emergency, and a known Canadian Cabinet warning the Trudeau regime to HIDE the mounting death and injury toll in Canada to prevent the shut-down of the deadly mRNA shots?
Why was this “fictional” “Covid” report by Preston Manning followed by the “National Citizens’ Inquiry” (NCI) that was launched and controlled by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) (Charter of Rights lawyers, not criminal lawyers), and introduced by Manning himself.
And why was no proof demanded that there had ever been grounds to announce a pandemic, the pandemic was merely assumed by the NCI organizers, and only the “response” to it by the “government” was in question … Perhaps no proof was demanded because these are Charter of Rights lawyers running the show, not police or criminal lawyers.
The NCI was not really investigating in light of all the facts. It was not looking for all the facts. There was no risk it would find anyone potentially guilty of manslaughter, for example, or cold-blooded assault and murder.
The NCI was not formally collecting evidence of potential criminal acts by governments against the electorate, or evidence of racketeering the mRNA shots, but only was trying to figure out how to “respond” better the “next time”. And this despite the fact set out by individuals like Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer executive, that the pandemic plans on file in 193 UN member states did not correspond to what was done (in “lock-step”) in “response to” the Covid-19 so-called “pandemic”. Dr. Yeadon found evidence of “intent to harm“.
Is Manning’s “bizarre” “fictional” Covid-19 report a blueprint for damage control? A guidebook for a cover-up in plain view? A carefully crafted framework for a future committee — which in this case turned out to be the National Citizens’ Inquiry (run by hand-picked lawyers, who chose the citizens). Was the NCI a “procedural” form of “bread and circuses” to create the mere appearance of an investigation, when the only way to have a real investigation, a criminal investigation, was to have a police investigation, but oddly, this was not done? The activities of the NCI appear to have wrapped up all questions, and found no serious fault, other than “Charter” violations.
Manning’s “fictional” report and the National Citizens’ Inquiry launched by the JCCF have two things in common, both of which remind us that: if you control the question, you control the answer. The question in both cases was about the “response” of the “government” “to” the (alleged) “pandemic”. The question was framed by Manning in his fictional report by referring to a fictional motion by the Leader of the Official Opposition, proposing to establish a “Royal Commmission of Inquiry” that might look into the “Management of the Federal Response to the COVID Pandemic.”
The question about the propriety of the governments’ “response” takes for granted that there was a pandemic, although, according to Dr. Astrid Stukelberger, the WHO ignored the requirements of the International Health Regulations (IHR) to announce one; and also takes for granted that the “response” to it was not criminal, conveniently excluding the prospect of arrest warrants and charges. The NCI managed to recruit someone as a commissioner who had been independently trying to have criminal charges laid by the proper authorities, meaning the Police. The NCI extravaganza seems to have put that very legitimate and important attempt way out in left field. It was very disappointing to see Ken Drysdale deflected from his objective.
The police in this country, who don’t seem to understand that the government is not above the law and must be investigated and held to account, including under criminal law, have, as far as TINP knows, done nothing. Except persecute an officer, Helen Grus, because she legally and legitimately began investigating the mass deaths of infants in connection with mRNA injections imposed by governments under coercive conditions.
Mass deaths and injuries are the rightful domain of criminal law, not of “Charter Rights”, in spite of section 7 which supposedly guarantees “Life, liberty, and security of person”. Unlike murder, manslaughter does not require the intent to kill. However, once the Trudeau regime learned in May of 2021 that the mRNA injections were indeed killing people, and the Cabinet recommended hiding this truth to continue imposing the injections, that may well have become intent to kill an undefined number of individuals at random. Canada needs an in-depth criminal investigation into the alleged pandemic and the outrageous measures inflicted on the public contrary to 193 existing pandemic plans in the files of 193 UNO member states.
What happened to forensic engineer Ken Drysdale after the NCI “investigation”? Today he’s a Hollywood star, presenting the NCI’s “final report” to countless interviewers. He seems to have forgotten the police investigation he was trying to initiate before the NCI recruited him and thus disposed of that risk of a police inquiry.
A review of his web site “The True Facts C19” https://www.thetruefactsc19.com/ launched to promote a police investigation based on Drysdale’s own investigation, shows no sign of that campaign any more.
Instead, Drysdale features himself presenting the NCI’s “final report” as “Truth”.
With all prospect of that pesky police investigation apparently out of the way, Drysdale has moved on to a wide range of other topics: MAID, Bill’s legal battles with Covid mandates, Manitoba land and conservation policies, global and municipal climate policies, inclusivity and neutrality in schools, exclusive interviews with leadership candidates, regional governance, concerns with Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. And on ena on.
Ken Drysdale now seems to be a “Man for all Seasons”, but no longer a man for a police investigation of the mass deaths and injuries caused by the “response” of governments to the alleged pandemic.
TINP is giving you the article below, not because TINP agrees with everything in it, but because that’s what was said to accompany the CTV video, first above.
The man Alberta is paying $253,000 to find out what went right – and wrong – with the province’s pandemic response has already come to his own conclusions in a report published online last spring.
The report, posted online by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a think tank that has been tied to controversies involving Canada’s residential school system and climate change denial, contains a fictional account of a review of the federal government’s COVID-19 response.
It’s written by Preston Manning, 80-year-old retired politician who served as Calgary MP and leader of the Reform Party of Canada for 13 years.
Manning’s been on his own fact-finding mission since last year, but Alberta Premier Danielle Smith appointed him last week to head a $2-million review into Alberta’s handling of the COVID-19 public health emergency.
The FCPP’s publication, called the Report of the COVID Commission was posted on May 11, 2022 along with a YouTube video Q&A with Manning. Both drew little attention – until now.
Manning calls the work “a fictional, futuristic description of relevant political developments in the post-COVID period in Canada.”
While admitting it is fiction, he adds the purpose of publishing it is “non-fictional.”
“(It’s) to explore the likelihood that sooner or later Canadians will demand a full scale investigation into the management of the COVID crisis by our federal government,” he says, adding the outcome of the investigation will likely result in a change in government.
In his account, a commission is created in 2022, when the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to slow down, but “public anger” was increasing exponentially.
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“Millions of Canadians who had been told that their fundamental rights and freedoms were constitutionally guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms learned to their dismay that those rights and freedoms could be easily violated by health protection measures implemented by well-meaning but unelected bureaucrats and suspended at will by the federal government through a presumptive and unnecessary invoking of the Emergencies Act,” Manning writes.
“The Freedom Convoy, originally launched by independent truckers protesting a vaccine mandate which put thousands of them out of work, was joined by thousands more Canadians from all walks of life.”
As it progresses, Manning’s account results in increased support for a political faction called the “Common Sense Movement,” complete with its own leader – a woman named Leah Wahlstrom, whose father headed a trucking company that “had been forced into bankruptcy” by government policies.
Lisa Young, a political scientist at the University of Calgary says the document is a manifestation of his “axe to grind” over the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I just read Manning’s fictional report. It ends by musing about whether public servants and politicians should be held financially liable or criminally responsible for the pandemic response,” she said.
On top of calling the document “bizarre,” she says it shows he is “not an impartial or dispassionate panel chair.”
Young says Manning’s work “reads like a weird fever dream, where the public embraces the idea of a commission and $10 million is fundraised for its work.”
“This man has been charged with leading a panel to review Alberta’s COVID response.”
She says Smith’s appointment of Manning to lead the review is more likely supposed to satisfy her supporters who seek action from her to ‘right the wrongs’ of the pandemic response.
“I imagine that she hopes that establishing the panel with Manning at its head will allow her government to shift focus away from COVID toward other issues that might be more electorally palatable.”
In an interview with the FCPP, published on their website shortly after Manning’s work was posted, he said that he believed the COVID-19 response was “mismanaged.”
“I think there is some profound lessons to be learned from this if we ever get into any situations similar to this again, how not to do some of the things we did.”
Manning says even the provinces made errors with their pandemic responses.
“A number of them took their lead from the federal government and one of the main things the federal people did – and I get into this in this COVID report – I think this would come out if you had a full-blown commission; the federal government seemed to automatically turn this thing over the health-care bureaucracy – to the great big health department.
“Some of the provinces – I know at least one of the Maritime provinces, when you ask them ‘why did you do the same thing? Why did you turn it over to your health-care bureaucracy? (They say) ‘well, the feds did it and we assumed that was the model.'”
In his fictional account, there is a new majority government formed with Common Sense Coalition at the helm. Manning provides a number of conclusions and recommendations, as expected with any other policy review.
His main conclusion is that the federal government “grossly mismanaged its response” to the pandemic.
“It chose, at the very outset, to assign the crisis management to Health Canada – the federal health department bureaucracy – rather than to emergency management organizations designed, equipped, or even especially created to handle such emergencies,” he wrote.
His other conclusions include a lack of timely assessments by the government on health protection measures, courts failing in their duty as guardians of Charter rights, mass media “uncritically defending” the government’s decisions and the government’s use of “fear as the primary instrument for motivating Canadians” among many others.
Critics of Manning’s fictional report are calling it mostly absurd, filled with Manning’s own views on topics like the Freedom Convoy, vaccine mandates and masking.
Some say excerpts of his documents suggest Manning’s belief that treatments for COVID, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin – are effective.
“Why did the federal government initially engage in what appeared to be a deliberate smear campaign to discredit the use of pharmaceutical interventions (i.e. drugs) to treat COVID-19 and its mutation, even prohibiting physicians from using them, when scientific evidence as to the safety and efficacy of such treatments was already available?” the report reads.
Naheed Nenshi, former Calgary mayor, summed up his opinion of Manning’s fictional COVID-19 commission report with a simple phrase.
This is bizarre. https://t.co/jIS1YGEjB2
— Naheed Nenshi (@nenshi) January 22, 2023