They’ve got her face, her gender, her age, and her DIGITAL ID.
The complete and utter end of privacy, of anonymity.
Empire Tracing is a firm of international private detectives based in British Columbia, Canada. Web site. Wayback.
This company brags to its potential clients that they can locate YOU real-time as you cross the street. They have you cross-identified by facial recognition via street cams and your DIGITAL ID. All of which is tied to your “smart” phone if you volunteered for the DIGITAL ID program; or if you signed up to the “vaxx pass” issued to kick-start the program.
This is happening now. You can help to stop it. You can withdraw from the DIGITAL ID program; you can disconnect your “smart” phone from your bank account; you can cancel your VAXX PASS, even if it means disposing of your “smart” phone.
Pack of lies: You don’t “memorize countless passwords”, they’re in your browser. And how awful having to carry a few little “cards” the size of a business card, when you could drag around a heavy glass “brick” like your “smart phone”, required to “tether” you to your DIGITAL ID in real-time.
In Red China, during the “Covid” fake pandemic, thousands of people suddenly lost access to their bank accounts. Chinese banks had confiscated their money, all their savings. To prevent these people from showing up at their bank to protest, to demand their money, the “authorities” imposed a “red zone” on the mandatory smart phones of all people whose money had been confiscated. This code allowed Chinese “law” enforcement officers to identify anyone heading to their bank and physically turn them away to prevent a protest. Now, that’s “rock solid security”. For them, not for you.
Digital CURRENCY will be tied to your DIGITAL ID which is tied to your “SMART” phone. Digital currency is not money, it’s a new CONTROL SYSTEM to follow you, monitor your activities, and identify who you are, what you think, who you speak to, what you do, what you buy or consume; all for the purpose of imposing CONTROLS on any pretext including the fake pretext of your “carbon footprint”. DIGITL ID will also “unlock countless opportunities” for the new “system” to collect an infinite amount of invaluable DATA on you and everyone you know and contact.
“Empire Tracing is one of Canada’s oldest skip tracing firms, in continuous operation since 1967 (over 55 years). We have a proven success rate in finding your missing persons: heirs, unknown heirs, defendants, witnesses, beneficiaries, pension plan members, insureds, property owners, stockholders, class action recipients, lost clients, estate recipients, skips, and debtors on a worldwide basis.”
It’s not just the skip-tracers. With DIGITAL ID, you are now instantly FINDABLE by governments, “law” enforcement, or anyone who wants to find you and can pay the fee.