The Vaxx Pass is the basis of a growing program of global remote control over you and your life to eliminate your freedom. The globalist goal is full-blown Technocracy, “The Great Reset”, to regulate your behavior through your Digital ID.
Wireless Technologies Cause Cancer
Wireless technologies cause cancer, and mobile phones and other devices cause head and brain cancer. Digital ID ties you to your smart phone. It’s the very basis of a totally alien “political” system, Technocracy, replacing self-government with a tyranny that controls you automatically and remotely, as in Red China. In the Chinese tyranny, no one is accountable to you for the abuse inflicted on you by a score-keeping algorithm (social credit).
I choose not to carry a cell phone wherever I go. I bought my first smart phone in mid 2019. Instinctively, I didn’t like it, and I distanced myself from the heavy chunk of glass with the glowing screen. I had little choice about the matter at the time because I needed it for the wifi. The cell phone tethered to my laptop is a temporary fix that I will get rid of as soon as I can.
You may enjoy the convenience of your mobile device to the point that you are willing to sacrifice your health and life. But let me tell you about a friend of mine who got a brain tumour. She didn’t tell me that she had a brain tumour. Pat just kept a camera in her purse, and everywhere we went, she’d pull out her camera and take pictures of me, of the place we were having lunch, and the camera would note the date. The reason she did this, as I found out from her mother after Pat died, is that the brain tumour destroyed her memory. She took the photos so she’d know what she’d done the day before.
Big Tech has ignored its duty to explore alternatives to wireless radiation for mass communications. Instead, private corporate control over governmental agencies prevents the truth from being broadcast that 5G and other wireless tech is NOT “safe and effective”.
However, if you really care about real freedom, you must loudly denounce and refuse to cooperate with the BASIC SLAVE SYSTEM being installed under the guise of “Digital ID”: Alberta is a case in point, and the people of Alberta should be outraged at this assault on their LIBERTY that paves the way toward The Great Reset:
Danielle Smith, the new Premier of Alberta, pretends she stands for the Freedom of Albertans. This DIGITAL ID program, required by the World Economic Forum to achieve its world government, is proof that Smith is lying. She must be lying, because she isn’t stupid.
Moreover, Danielle Smith’s so-called “Alberta Sovereignty Act” is radically unconstitutional, and serves one thing only: It provides the United Nations with an excuse to “recognize” the demolition of Canada when Alberta declares “independence”, which is treason. The power to do so is denied by the structure and language of the Constitution of 1867.
The Vaxx Pass is the basis of a growing program of global remote control over you and your life to eliminate your freedom. It laid the basis for Digital ID. The globalist goal is full-blown Technocracy to regulate your behaviour through your Digital ID and your online bank account tied to your mobile phone. The ultimate goal is to replace currency as we know it with tokens and a credit score. You’ll be docked and punished for doing things your remote rulers don’t like, and blocked from doing things you want to do, because your rulers have decided they don’t want you to do them.
Wireless Technologies Cause Cancer
Wireless technologies cause cancer, and mobile phones and other devices (linked up to the Vaxx Pass and Digital ID, in turn linked up to your bank account that in future will be your social credit score account) cause head and brain cancer.
Digital ID ties you to your smart phone. It’s the very basis of a totally alien political system, Technocracy, “The Great Reset”, replacing self-government with a tyranny that controls you automatically and remotely, as in Red China. In that tyranny, no one is accountable to you for the abuse inflicted on you by a score-keeping algorithm (social credit).
I choose not to carry a cell phone wherever I go. I bought my first smart phone in mid 2019. Instinctively, I didn’t like it, and I distanced myself from the heavy chunk of glass with the glowing screen. I had little choice about the matter at the time, because I needed it for the wifi. The cell phone tethered to my laptop is a temporary fix. But I will get rid of it as soon as I can.

Big Tech has ignored its duty to explore alternatives to wireless radiation for mass communications. Instead, private corporate control over governmental agencies prevents the truth from being broadcast that 5G and other wireless tech is NOT “safe and effective”.
The video above is from early 2020. 2020 was the beginning of the fake pandemic designed to terrorize you into accepting mRNA injections and the Vaxx Pass. It didn’t work on me, I’m glad to say. Post-Vaxx Alberta now sadly has a skyrocketing death rate from “unknown cause“, as if we couldn’t figure it out.
You may enjoy the convenience of your mobile device to the point that you are willing to risk your health and life. And If you haven’t already detoxed from the habit of staring into your cell phone, now is the time to come to your senses and fiercely oppose Digital ID, for privacy, political reasons, and now health reasons.