Listening to this two years later, does it dawn on you how Orwellian it was and still is? And people obeyed it.
In butchered French with an English digital voice, and then in English, this alert began TWO YEARS AGO on Wednesday, 9 December 2020 at 2:29 pm when a piercing siren cut through the air inside my apartment.
Listening to this two years later, does it dawn on you how Orwellian it was and still is. And people obeyed it.
In butchered French with an English digital voice, and then in English, this alert began TWO YEARS AGO on Wednesday, 9 December 2020 at 2:29 pm when a piercing siren cut through the air inside my apartment.
The siren was coming from my cell phone that nearly leaped from the table.
The siren was followed by a horrible English digital voice butchering French, and then speaking English, as follows:

“Quebec En Alerte. Etat d’urgence sanitaire en vigueur. Tous les rassemblements publics et privés demeurent interdits en zone rouge et passibles d’amendes, sans préavis. Présence policière accrue. Respectez les consignes de santé publique.
Quebec Alert Ready. Public health emergency in effect. All public and private gatherings remain prohibited in red zones and participants are subject to fines without notice. Police presence has been increased. You are asked to comply with public health instructions