TINP – UPDATE 22 November 2021:
Rather than take this video down, I’m going to explain why it now puts me off and give you the comment I posted under it at Before It’s News.
If you’re confused about this video, and why there really is NO big “Red Pill Expo” of the alleged network of criminals behind the Covid fake pandemic, just a couple of charts and lots of allegations with no proof, that’s because this video is not about that at all. It’s a marketing tool to con you into signing up for a “free” “community” hosted by Kim and “Davo”: https://www.fullyliveacademy.com/
You have one year of “free access”. Once you are inside, there are COURSES for sale, you can DONATE, you can PURCHASE PRODUCTS, and there are endless VIDEOS of Kim and “Davo” doing little promo moments they call “Butterlies”. And under the videos are links to other web sites that link to still more web sites, at all of which you can PURCHASE memberships and other junk.
Kim and David’s “Butterflies” are an endless score of videos of Kim and Dave pitching themselves, their ideas, their courses, their “beautiful people” they know and the “gifts” they received, and their very SUBTLE freemasonic opposition to the US Declaration of Independence, and their very subtle promotion of INTERNATIONALISM.
But Martin has made his position as an internationalist clear in this Red Pill Expo video, if you pay close attention, where he denounces the “stupid idea” of “drawing lines on maps and calling them countries”. I made an extract of the very point in the video where he says it, and there’s a transcript with it: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZvYdIXZJGlbsROMOUh46OMqQXCWm8zU3rVy
One of Kim and David’s Butterfly videos is called “The Continental Congress 247 years later”. That means 1776 and the founding of the USA. In that video, they make statements that government and church can’t give you rights, etc., etc. And it’s their goal to teach you better.
Well, that’s not what people normally look to for “rights”. But Freemasons condemn both church and government and the “borders of nations” (“lines drawn on maps” as David calls the nations). Freemasons will train you to be your own “king and pontiff”, to reject the nation-state and all formal authority of church and state.
Kim and David in their Butterfly video affirm that you get nothing from and you owe nothing to any authority, national or religious. Do you realize that Freemasonry and Communism are ultimately identical, working to remove national borders, church and state, and create internationalism.
Their views that Kim and David are teaching coincide perfectly with the aims of George Soros, the billionaire communism promoter, and his Open Society Foundation devoted to destroying the nation-state.
I think these people, Kim and Dave, are freemasons; they certainly are globalists whose program is designed to suck you in to “international” “interdependence”, globalism, which ultimately implies world government.
And they are using the Covid scamdemic to push their product; no less than the UN and UNESCO and UNPA and the WEF are currently using the Covid scamdemic to try to put world government in place. Here’s a page of links to the UNPA and UN pushing for world government (internationalism) because of the Covid pandemic: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZsX4sXZwdYP1XenzdYlUArPIEVVLS4Dlo8k
There is nothing in that https://www.fullyliveacademy.com/ web site that has anything serious to do with exposing Covid criminals.
And their site isn’t all that “brand new” as “Davo” claims at the end of this Red Pill video. It’s already fully loaded with “Butterfly” moments and junk for sale and it is NOT at all geared toward exposing the Covid scamdemic. It’s geared toward pushing and selling “courses”, something “Davo” has already done non-stop for 25 years.
Martin’s Red Pill Expo rant is just a TEASER to suck you into a web site that serves as a HUB for sales of products and courses and also links to other web sites that also sell sign-ups etc.
If Martin were really serious, if he really believed he had hard evidence on the network behind the Covid scamdemic, he wouldn’t be on a stage prancing around and ranting about it, he wouldn’t be in Butterfly videos pushing basically the tenets of freemasonry. He’d be working with lawyers and police to file affidavits and lay charges.
David Martin may really have information on who the Covid criminals are. But he hasn’t produced it in this Red Pill Expo, which is all charts, allegations and no proof.
I wouldn’t give his money-making web sites the time of day, especially if he claims that your money is going to help “children” injured by the vaxx. Children and other vulnerable people are always the poster-kids for snake-oil scams to raise money. I know this for a fact because I briefly worked as a telephone fund-raiser for a “charity” that supposedly raises money for “the blind”. It’s been around for years. It sounds legitimate. But from the inside, I found out that “the blind” get 10% of the funds raised, the majority of the dough goes into the pockets of the people who own the phone room making the calls. And they make big money. So, I would not give my money to Kim and David thinking I was going to help vax-injured “children”.
They’re just taking advantage of the situation to market their junk and their anti-USA, anti-national globalist ideology.
Original URL:
TINP: You’ll have to listen to a lot of ranting before the screenshot comes up 3/4 of the way through with the names and faces of the people Dr. David Martin, PhD claims are “The Covid Orchestra”, the “board of directors” of the Covid scamdemic.
On this particular instance of the video, the names and faces are blurred in the screenshot. Here’s a better screenshot, and below, a list of the names that Dr. Martin alleges are involved in the Covid-19 scam, the fake pandemic.

1. Al Gore, Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001), Chairman and Co-Founder, Generation Investment Management LLP
2. Andre Hoffmann, Vice- Chairman, Roche
3. Angel Gurria, QECD
4. Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
5. Christine Lagarde, President European Central Bank
6. Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime minister of Canada
7. David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group
8. Dustin Moskovitz, Open Philanthropy
9. Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General, European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
10. Feike Sybesma, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Royal Philips
11. H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Office of H.M Queen Rania Al Abdullah
12. Heizo Takenaka, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
13. Herman Gref, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Sberbank
14. Jim Hagemann Snabe,Chairman Siemens
15. Julie Sweet, Chief Executive Officer, Accenture
16. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
17. Kristalina Georgeva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
18. L. Rafael Reif, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
19. Larry Page, Google
20. Laurence D Fink, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
21. Luis Alberto Moreno, Member of the Board of Trustees World Economic Forum
22. Marc Benioff, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce
23. Mark Carney, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, United Nations
24. Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestle
25. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
26. Mukesh D Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries
27. Orit Gadiesh, Chairman, Bain & Company
28. Patrice Motsepe, Founder and Executive Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals
29. Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda
30. Peter Brabeck-Latmathe, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum
31. Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
32. Robert Mercer, Renaissance Fund
33. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Government of Singapore
34. Thomas Buberi, Chief Executive Officer, AXA
35. Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist
36. Zhu Min, Chairman, National Institute of Financial Research
In the opinion of TINP, Dr. David Martin, PhD needs to do a new video, start with the faces and names, one at a time, and explain their involvement, and why he has listed them. It’s not clear from the video above.