[Excerpt] Catherine Austin Fitts: The Going Direct Reset (05.02.2021 Corona-Committee #38) - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (Lawyer)
Mass Psychosis – How An Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill (Applies to Covid Cult) - Mass Psychosis (Covid Cult)
Catherine Austin Fitts: The (Covid) Pandemic is a Front for a Global Financial Coup that Needs “Vaccine Passports” to Implement the New Digital “Currency” - Del BigTree (The HighWire)
The Right Question: “How Does a Virologist Identify a New Virus and then Show this Virus Causes Disease?” - Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretense of “safe and effective” (17 August 2021) - Jon Rappoport
Three Kids Dead After Mass Vax in Australia Stadium – Aussie Vet Updates Stew Peters (21 August 2021) - Adverse events and deaths
Breaking News from Germany: Vaxxed Blood Shows ‘Stacking’, Typical of Blood Cancer (18 August 2021) - Dr. Barbel Gitala