PROJECT VERITAS & RN Jodi O’Malley on Covid Vax Coverup at Phoenix Indian Medical Center, Arizona (Sept 20, 2021) - Deanna Paris (RN)
PhD Tells Mich. House re Bill 4471, Covid Jab does not Confer Immunity or Prevent Transmission of any Virus and was NOT Designed to do That - Dr Christina Parks PhD
How Can We Use The Law To Challenge The Global Covid Response? Dan Astin-Gregory with Reiner Fuellmich - Dan Astin-Gregory
The Vaccine Death Report by David John Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. (Version 1.0 September 2021) - David John Sorensen
Still No Reply: Justin Trudeau’s “Quarantine Camps”, How many to be built, How many to be detained, and Why? Covid Camps or Vaxx-Refusal Camps? - Covid Detention Camps
Max Igan: ‘Delta Variant’ Is Vaccine Injury, NHS Staff Know. UK Funeral Director warns the Camps are Coming (September 16, 2021) - John O'Looney (UK funeral director)
Dr. David E. Martin: “The Vaccine Is Not A Vaccine” “This Is A Bio-Weapon Designed To Kill Us” (May 2021) - Bio-weapon (mRNA shots)
Breaking Vaccine Data – Antibody Dependent Enhancement EXPLODING in “vaccinated” people! Pfizer planning EIGHT boosters! - Antibody Dependent Enhancement
We are Destroying the Lives of our Young with Experimental COVID Injections - Adverse events and deaths