Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Daughter Krista Is Sounding The Alarm On The Covid-19 Genocide-Jab (23 September 2021) - Doug Ford (Ontario Premier)
More on Black-Eyed Pandemic Babies (Quinta Columna Reacts #02) (September 2021) - Black-eyed "pandemic babies"
Black-eyed “Pandemic Babies”: Children of Vaxxed Parents are Especially Different (Quinta Columna Reacts #01) (September 2021) - Black-eyed "pandemic babies"
Countless Minute Stainless-Steel Sharp Fragments in all Brands of the mRNA Shots (27 September 2021) - Adverse events and deaths
UK Funeral Director: Mass Vaccine Deaths, Child Danger, COVID Camps, Genocide Planned (John O’Looney with Stew Peters) (23 September 2021) - Covid Detention Camps
BABY paralyzed from the neck down 13 days after trial Pfizer jab (21 September 2021) - "Covid" injections for children
COVID GLOBAL NEWS: Former VP of WHO-EU Advisory Group (Christian Perrone) says All Vaxxinated People Must Quarantine Over the Winter Months or Risk Serious Illness! (9 September 2021) - Christian Perrone (former VP WHO EU Advisory)
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Summary of Findings of The Corona Investigative Committee (15 September 2021) - Corona Committee (Germany)
Important To Learn ~ Dr Robert Young On Graphene Oxide With Del Bigtree (Sep. 9, 2021) - Del BigTree (The HighWire)