1984: “The News” (George Orwell Style) This Ministry of Truth Brings You the Covid-19 “News” and the “Vaccination” “News” - 1984 - The News (George Orwell Style)
BC’s Top Doctor, Patricia Daly, Says Vaxx Passport Is “Really To Create an INCENTIVE To Improve Our Vaccination Coverage” - Dr Patricia Daly (BC's top doctor)
Data Analyst Proves ‘C19 Deaths’ Increased Dramatically AFTER the Vaccine Roll-out in Over 40 Countries - Adverse events and deaths
Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby. The Jab: Scientist Discovers Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthed After Injection (16 October 2021) - Aluminum-based "parasites"
Aluminium-Based Lifeforms Found In Vaccines Under Microscope – Dr. Franc Zalewski (English Subtitles) (8 October 2021) - Dr Franc Zalewski (Polish scientist)
Josep Pàmies on how to Detoxify the Body with Natural Infusions (Spanish with English subtitles) - Detox
Preventive Treatment with Antioxidants for Graphene Oxide Detoxification (Spanish, English subtitles) - La Quinta Columna
Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed (29 September 2021) - Dr. Carrie Madej