“The pass shall not pass!” Protesters take to streets across France after Macron drops vaccine passport bombshell - Vaccine passport (France)
UK attorney Anna de Buisseret today served Notices of Liability on COVID-19 clinics and individuals administering the experimental biological agent known as the “COVID-19 vaccine” - Anna de Buisseret (UK Attorney)
Reiner Fuellmich, Lead Attorney Interview David Martin: Patent history and government documents reveal true purpose of Covid-19 Inoculation Program: - Dr David E Martin
Le professeur interviewé dit que «Le risque pour la vaccination est actuellement plus elevé que pour l’infection»! ( 1 juillet 2021) - Professeur Kraus Stöhr (Allemagne)
Professor Stöhr: “The Risk from the Vaccination is Currently Higher than from the Infection” - Professor Kraus Stöhr (Germany)
Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 Claimed (June 29th, 2021) - Court ruling
(English subtitles) Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles (June 29, 2021) - Graphene nanoparticles
Canadian official admits ban on in-person gatherings is to prevent spread of ‘false information’ - Dr. Robert Strang (Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health)