Protests against mandatory vaccines and health passes announced by French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, July 14, 2021. © REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
Police fired tear gas at demonstrators who threw rocks and bottles, set construction equipment on fire in Paris, and picketed state buildings across France, in response to President Emmanuel Macron’s vaccine and health pass moves.
Mass protests all over the country took place on Bastille Day, the anniversary of the 1789 storming of the notorious Paris dungeon that kicked off the French revolution. In Paris, police fired tear gas to suppress the demonstrators.
Social media posts about the protests included the hashtags #PassSanitaire and #VaccinObligatoire, referring to Monday’s announcement by Macron that healthcare workers will have to get vaccinated against Covid-19 by September 15, or face losing their jobs.
Moreover, a “health pass” to be introduced in August will limit entry to bars, restaurants, cafes and shopping centers in favor of those who’ve either tested negative, are fully vaccinated, or recently recovered from the alleged virus. Macron had previously promised there would be no vaccine mandate or health passports.
French outrage wasn’t limited to Paris, either. Videos from around the country show protests in Toulouse and Marseilles in the south, Haute-Savoie in the southeast, and Nantes in the west, among other places.
Source: EuropeReloaded citing RT report:
Trudeau ordered tear gas and riot control equipment last year at the start of the scamdemic. What do you think it’s for?
At the same time, Trudeau has twice banned a slew of lawful arms and handguns in Canada.
Trudeau’s procurement order claims the 36,000 capsules of tear gas are only for “training”. Really? 36,000 of them?
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