Analysis of a single drop of the Pfizer “vaccine”, as of December 26, 2022. Graphene-based carbon nanotubes, graphene microfilaments, graphene sheets. Only and exclusively graphene. There is no mRNA in the “vaccine“. What is inside is not biological. - La Quinta Columna
Ricardo Delgado, La Quinta Columna: Vital Info on the “Human 2.0 Project” — 20,000 Hours of Scientific Research - Complex micro and nanotech in the injections
La Quinta Columna: “Microtechnology in Pfizer’s vaccine” (2 January 2022) - Adverse events and deaths
Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine (July 17th, 2021) - Adverse events and deaths