La Quinta Columna: “Microtechnology in Pfizer’s vaccine” (2 January 2022) - Adverse events and deaths
Australian Nurses Blow The Whistle On COVID “Vaccine” Side Effects (30 November 2021) - Adverse events and deaths
Murder of Children Begins: First Responders: Audio Rescue of 11 YR Old Collapse After Jab! - Adverse events and deaths
The hospitals are not full of Covid patients, the hospitals are full of vaccinated patients: NSW, Australia (4 November 2021) - Adverse events and deaths
Data Analyst Proves ‘C19 Deaths’ Increased Dramatically AFTER the Vaccine Roll-out in Over 40 Countries - Adverse events and deaths
Countless Minute Stainless-Steel Sharp Fragments in all Brands of the mRNA Shots (27 September 2021) - Adverse events and deaths
We are Destroying the Lives of our Young with Experimental COVID Injections - Adverse events and deaths
The Human Face of Mass-Vaxx Death and Injury Statistics: “24,526 Deaths 2,317,495 Injuries Following COVID Shots” (EU Database) - Adverse events and deaths