43, Healthy, Father of 7, Paralyzed 3 Hours after First J&J “Covid-19” “Vaxxine” (April 15, 2021) - Brad Malagarie (paralyzed by J&J shot)
– Open letter from Dr. Charles Hoffe to Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC Provincial Health Officer (5 April 2021) - Dr. Bonnie Henry (BC Provincial Health Officer)
“The Truth about Virus Isolation. What does it really mean to isolate a virus?” with Dr. Sam Bailey - Dr. Sam Bailey
“There’s A Light At The End Of The Lockdown Tunnel” Jerm-Warfare with Reiner Fuellmich (8 April 2021) - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (Lawyer)
German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (with Patrick Bet-David) - Crimes against humanity
China Now doing Anal Swabs for Covid – “The Real Story of Anthony Fauci” – Jamie Glazov with Peter Barry Chowka - Anal swabs for Covid