Rumble — At the Parliamentary hearing in Luxemburg 12.01.2022.

Transcript, with a few minor corrections
Male voice:
I will now turn to professor Christian Perronne who has kindly accepted to participate in this public debate.
Female voice: Thank you, Mr. Georgiu. Over to you, sir.
Thank you very much, Madam President, Madam Minister and deputies. I am very honored to come here today.
First of all, I would like to go over my professional experience, notably in presiding over the Commission on Infectious Diseases of the High Council on Public Health.
I was a consultant to various French governments for 15 years on the management of health emergencies and epidemics.
For years, I was president of the Technical Committee for Vaccination, so I presided on French vaccination policy.
So, I’m not at all an anti-vaxxer, as some say, I am deeply convinced of the value of vaccination.
And I have even been vice president at the WHO, for years, of the expert group on vaccination for the entire Euro region of the WHO, which is much larger than the European Union because the WHO Euro Zone includes Russia, all the Central Asian republics, Turkey, Israel — it’s the larger Europe of the WHO.
So there, that’s my experience both of epidemics and of vaccination.
I would have two main messages for you in this crisis: we have flouted science and we have flouted rights.
So, we flouted science, because all the decisions of our politicians were based on experts who unfortunately — we know now, it’s public — have major conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry. When they take decisions on the sly, they provide zero scientific references.
Myself, I knew Jean-François Delfraissy very well, the president of the Scientific Council at Elysée, because I knew him when he was an intern in 1978, and I called him a few weeks ago. I told him, “Listen, Jean-François, we don’t agree, but I would like there to be a two-sided debate, because you give plenty of opinions where we don’t know the sources.”
And he refused the debate. And that’s why I’m very comfortable because, you know, it’s been two years that I am fighting in the French media.
I wrote two books. They have never been contested on a scientific basis. In my books, there are tens of pages of proof; everything I say is referenced.
I have never changed my opinion in two years and no one has ever corrected me on any single claim, even if media every day say that I am a conspiracy theorist because that’s the only word they have, since they can’t find any arguments.
So, the lack of scientific evidence.
And then there was the so-called scientific proof. We saw fraud accumulate. There were articles in the world’s greatest journals that were fraudulent.
You all remember LancetGate, when they wanted to discredit Chloroquine; well, lobbies paid a team and a journal to release a fraudulent study which blocked everything in the whole world.
More recently, in the British Medical Journal, there was PfizerGate, which showed that a part of the Pfizer studies — to obtain authorization for their so-called vaccine — was fraudulent.
In France, the media never spoke about it except for a small article in the Figaro.
That’s fairly scandalous, whereas when the Lancet was released, all the media were talking about it.
Conflicts of interest are major, whether they are with experts, or with media. This is public. It’s not fake news, it’s not me saying it.
The French government, in addition to the tens of millions of Euros they give to primary media each year, for two years now has given three billion Euros to media. Three billion Euros. So, supposedly, France’s coffers are empty; we give three billion Euros to media.
That would add up to a lot of hospitals that we could build.
And then, these products that we call “vaccines” — I was considered for years as a vaccine specialist in France, in Europe, in the world.
I believe the biggest scandal of this epidemic is that we have been made to believe that these are vaccines. They are not at all vaccines.
And we now have the proof that they don’t work. That they don’t prevent contamination, that they don’t prevent severe outcomes.
Now, in the countries that are most-vaccinated, we can see that it’s more than 90% in intensive care who are double and triple vaccinated.
It doesn’t prevent transmission. So — I have never seen — it’s the formal proof that these are not vaccines.
We need to stop this delirium of wanting to vaccinate for an illness which almost doesn’t kill anymore. Where are the deaths?
A lot of figures have been inflated, because with these PCR tests that are amplified above what is scientifically authorized — normally — we have inflated the epidemic’s figures. We have inflated the number of deaths. People who arrived at the hospital for other things, if they had a positive test, we said they died of COVID when they died absolutely of something else.
And then, what shocked me enormously as a vaccine specialist is that for a normal vaccine, it takes 10 years for it to be authorized.
When I see the scandal with pregnant women, normally it takes 10 years after definitive authorization, of commercial use, for it to be authorized for a pregnant woman with enough hindsight.
Now, in a few months, it was authorized.
What shocked me is the absence of scientific studies on these decisions.
When our governments say it takes 3 doses, soon 4 doses, 5 doses, 6 doses, 7 doses — we don’t know — there is zero scientific data to support these decisions.
What shocked me greatly is that the EMA, the European Medicines Agency, admitted, last summer, that they did not know the full composition of these “vaccines”.
And despite that, they authorized them.
Female voice:
We are coming to the end. You will need to conclude, you have at most a maximum of one minute.
There. So, what we now know officially, based on databases, is that the “vaccines” caused 36,000 deaths in Europe, 25,000 in the USA, including hundreds of athletes.
There is an increase in — oncologists in the USA — they showed there is an increase in deaths from cancer following vaccination.
I think the best example is that the countries which did not vaccinate, or which stopped vaccination, are the countries where the epidemic is over.
That’s very strong. We can see the example of India.
And the last word, on rights. I would say that all of it is illegal, since, as it was stated earlier, a conditional use authorization can only be obtained if we have demonstrated that there are no effective treatments. We have hundreds of published studies, the example of India and other countries.
And, above all, the most important is that we are still in Phase 3 experimentation and that by international treaties, including the Nuremberg Code, it is totally forbidden to impose an mandate for an experimental product.
Everything is resting on the parliamentarians who vote for an obligation of an experimental product — they can be personally criminally prosecuted in an international court for an extremely grave error: endangering the lives of human beings.
Since we’re talking about children, I will finish on this. There are children dying from the vaccine, and now we know that those that die from the “vaccine” are more numerous than those who die from COVID, because there are practically zero deaths from COVID.
In my personal entourage, I know of a young girl of 17 years and a young girl of 20 years who died 8 days after the “vaccine” of a myocardial infarction.
I’ve never seen, in my career, a myocardial infarction at 20 years old, and the other of a pulmonary embolism.
I ask for a moratorium on these producfts that are not “vaccines”, were not evaluated correctly, for which we will have definitive evaluations many years from now.
I thank you.